272 research outputs found

    Film as a tool for media literacy education

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    Abstract. In this general literature review I try to answer the question of film being a tool for media literacy education. Previous literature on the theory, policy and pedagogy are used to approach the research question. Deriving from these three key areas an argument could be made for the use of film in education

    Pitkät yhtäjaksoiset yksilöterapiat : Terapioiden merkitys kuntoutujan ja kuntoutuksen eri toimijoiden näkökulmista

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kuntoutumisen merkityksiä pitkään yhtäjaksoisesti avomuotoista yksilöterapiaa saaneille kuntoutujille ja kuntoutuksen toteutumista kuntoutujan, palveluntuottajan ja hoitavan tahon näkökulmasta. Tutkimus on osa Kelan Pitkät yhtäjaksoiset yksilöterapiat -tutkimusta. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmä olivat vuoden 2015 Kelan kuntoutustietojen mukaan avomuotoista fysio-, musiikki-, puhe- ja toimintaterapiaa sekä neuropsykologista kuntoutusta yhtäjaksoisesti yli 5 vuotta saaneet kuntoutujat. Tutkimukseen osallistui 30 kuntoutujaa (8–64 vuotta), 30 terapeuttia ja 6 lääkäriä. Aineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluilla, jotka nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin. Haastattelujen lisäksi laadullisen sisällönanalyysin aineistona olivat kuntoutussuunnitelmat, -palautteet ja -päätökset. Kaikki haastatellut kokivat avokuntoutuksen hyödylliseksi, terapian jatkumiselle löytyi perusteita ja kaikki olivat edistyneet tai heidän toimintakykynsä oli pysynyt ennallaan viimeisimmänkin terapiavuoden aikana. Pitkään jatkuneen avokuntoutuksen merkitys haastatelluille kuntoutujille rakentuu laaja-alaisista hyödyistä kuntoutujan arkeen, osallistumiseen ja elämänlaatuun. Aineistossa toistuu hyvin toimivan kuntoutuksen moninainen hyöty myös yhteiskunnalle. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella pitkiä yhtäjaksoisia yksilöterapioita tulisi kehittää hyödyntämällä toimintakyvyn arviointimenetelmiä, näyttöön perustuvaa toimintaa ja suosituksia sekä kuntoutuspalautteiden kirjaamista niin, että palautteissa tulisi selkeämmin esille niin kuntoutujan toimintakyvyn, tavoitteiden kuin terapian toteutuksenkin muutokset. Haastattelut tehtiin keväällä 2016, jolloin uusi laki Kelan vaativasta kuntoutuksesta oli juuri tullut voimaan. Tutkimusaineisto kuvaa vanhan lain ja Kelan standardien mukaan toteutettua pitkää vaikeavammaisten avokuntoutusta, eikä tuloksista voi tehdä johtopäätöksiä uuden vaativan lääkinnällisen kuntoutuksen lain mukaisesta tai määrittämästä kuntoutuksen toteutuksesta.peerReviewedVertaisarvioit

    Using aerial photography for identification of marine and coastal habitats under the EU's Habitats Directive

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    1. Implementation of the E.U. Habitats Directive requires information on the distribution, abundance and area covered by the habitats listed in Annex I of the Directive. 2. In Finland, 21 of these habitats occur in marine and coastal areas. The demand for spatial information of these habitats is increasing, so rapid and relatively inexpensive mapping methods are needed. 3. This study examines the identification of 15 habitats using high altitude black and white aerial photographs. Our goal was to find out how well these habitats could be identified using these types of photographs. We used a test group of 34 persons who were given only brief instructions on how to identify the habitats prior to the test. Their results were compared to a set of field data from an archipelago area at the entrance of the Gulf of Finland, in August 1999 and autumn 2000. 4. The test group identified sandy beaches, lagoons, submerged sandbanks and cliffs with an accuracy of 82%, 71%, 66% and 65%, respectively. The main reasons for these high accuracy percentages were apparently the high contrast and/or easy delineation of the habitat from the surrounding areas. 5. Reefs, wooded dunes and submerged reefs were identified with an accuracy of 39%, 44% and 45%, respectively. The remaining habitats were less precisely identified, apparently due to their small size or poor contrast to the surrounding areas. 6. High altitude aerial photographs are shown to be a useful tool for identifying several of these habitats and can be used as a complement to field mapping methods, GIS methods and other remote sensing techniques. The use of high altitude photographs for monitoring change is discussed.</p

    Barley β-amylase and β-glucanase activities at germination in vulgare-type lines from backcrosses of wild, spontaneum strains with cv. Adorra

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    Two hundred and nineteen lines derived from the backcross progenies of eight different Hordeum spontaneum strains were evaluated for β-amylase and β-glucanase activity five days after germination under aseptic conditions. The activities were determined on the basis of soluble protein or grain mass. The recurrent parent cultivar, Adorra, served as the standard. Putative recombinants with high B-amylase activity were relatively easily achieved from high-activity strains of H. spontaneum. Recombinants with high β-glucanase were rare. They appear to be eliminated, possibly due to the strong selection for the domesticated phenotype during the derivation process

    Mentoring, coaching and collaborative dialogue to support professional learning throughout teachers’ career paths; exploring roles, responsibilities, tensions and opportunities.

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    Internationally, both Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and Continuing Professional Development and Learning (CPDL) are under reform, creating the opportunity to rethink roles and responsibilities of individuals and organisations. Trainee teachers are experiencing extended school placements, with school-based mentors taking on roles including supervision, tutoring, feedback and monitoring. In some jurisdictions there is provision for ongoing mentoring and / or coaching of early career teachers to help them to develop practice and to promote teacher retention. CPDL often foregrounds the role of shared enquiry into, and dialogue about, pedagogic practice. Maximising the potential of coaching, mentoring and collaboration in ITE and CPDL is critical in enabling teachers to contextualise, authenticate and reframe relevant theory, research and policy to inform and shape their practices in complex educational settings. This requires appropriate and well deployed structures, roles, processes and tools. The opportunities and tensions which emerge in developing these practices will be explored, drawing on research, practice and policy evidence from Australia, Wales, Canada, Finland, Japan and England. The discussion following the papers will encourage participants to consider the question; How can we maximise the potential of mentoring, coaching and other forms of collaborative dialogue to support professional learning throughout teachers’ career paths

    Music therapy or music medicine?

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    What Counts as ‘World Class’? : Global University Rankings and Shifts in Institutional Strategies

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    Global university rankings have emerged as a benchmark of institutional success, setting standards for higher education policymaking and institutional practices. Nevertheless, only a marginal share of higher education institutions (HEI) are in a realistic position to be ranked as a ‘world-class’ institutions. In the European context, the global rankings have been used to highlight a performance gap between European and North American institutions. Here the focus has been on the HEIs in the top-100 positions, causing concerns over European higher education. This has also become a marker of world-class university. We analyze the strategies of 27 Northern European universities in different tiers to learn how they have adjusted to the reality of ranking. We conclude that the references to global rankings have increased between 2014 and 2018. At the same time, the references to rankings have become more implicit in nature. Nevertheless, we find that the discourse of global comparison and excellence has become more common in the strategies. There are also emerging references to the regional role of universities, which are apparent in the strategies of universities that are clearly outside the top-100 ranked institutions. However, this is also a reflection of the discourse of world-class university.Peer reviewe

    Parameterizing air-water gas exchange in the shallow, microtidal New River estuary

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License. The definitive version was published in Van Dam, B. R., Edson, J. B., & Tobias, C. Parameterizing air-water gas exchange in the shallow, microtidal New River estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 124(7), (2019): 2351-2363, doi: 10.1029/2018JG004908.Estuarine CO2 emissions are important components of regional and global carbon budgets, but assessments of this flux are plagued by uncertainties associated with gas transfer velocity (k) parameterization. We combined direct eddy covariance measurements of CO2 flux with waterside pCO2 determinations to generate more reliable k parameterizations for use in small estuaries. When all data were aggregated, k was described well by a linear relationship with wind speed (U10), in a manner consistent with prior open ocean and estuarine k parameterizations. However, k was significantly greater at night and under low wind speed, and nighttime k was best predicted by a parabolic, rather than linear, relationship with U10. We explored the effect of waterside thermal convection but found only a weak correlation between convective scale and k. Hence, while convective forcing may be important at times, it appears that factors besides waterside thermal convection were likely responsible for the bulk of the observed nighttime enhancement in k. Regardless of source, we show that these day‐night differences in k should be accounted for when CO2 emissions are assessed over short time scales or when pCO2 is constant and U10 varies. On the other hand, when temporal variability in pCO2 is large, it exerts greater control over CO2 fluxes than does k parameterization. In these cases, the use of a single k value or a simple linear relationship with U10 is often sufficient. This study provides important guidance for k parameterization in shallow or microtidal estuaries, especially when diel processes are considered.We thank SERDP and DCERP for funding and support. Dennis Arbige assisted with EC tower construction, and Susan Cohen provided invaluable logistical support. I also thank Marc Alperin (UNC Chapel Hill) for his thoughtful guidance and encouragement with this project. All data sets for this manuscript are available at FigShare (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7276877.v1). Additional funding for this project was provided by DAAD (57429828) from funds of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)